Our Bilingual program is offered to all students in grades 6-12. It is a Heritage Language Restoration Program, which means that we offer Spanish Language Arts, English Language Arts, and Flamenco Dance in tandem with other academic and arts classes. We believe this not only encompasses a part of our New Mexican culture, but also an important part of our language history. Students at TANM will take a Spanish language arts class every year from grades 6-9. In grade 10-12, students will need to complete either a Spanish Language Arts class at TANM or may have the opportunity to study a language for dual credit. High school students need two credits of language in order to graduate. Students will also have the opportunity to connect to their own histories and cultures through their language classes. We are excited to have you join our language program at Tierra Adentro of New Mexico!
6th - 8th Grade
- Introductions to level appropriate vocabulary and grammar
- Introductions to level appropriate realia and readings
- Cultural and historical studies of language
- Connect to their own cultures and reinforce their heritage languages
- Develop their writing, reading and speaking skills in the language
9th-12th Grade
- Introductions to level appropriate vocabulary and grammar
- Introductions to level appropriate realia and readings
- Cultural and historical studies of language
- Connect to their own cultures and reinforce their heritage languages
- Develop their writing, reading and speaking skills in the language